

Toshkent, O'zbekiston

Kompaniya haqida

The definition of carriage is quite simple – take goods in one point and transfer them to another. This could be done by any transport company. But to provide this service with the maximum profit and convenience for cargo owner is an art. Formag has mastered this kind of art.
The company holds the leading positions in the market of freight forwarding for several decades. The key to success for Formag is sustainable development and long-term and mutually beneficial relations with customers.
Formag is the part of GTI. Global Transport Investments (GTI) is a parent company for many freight forwarding companies and liner agencies. It incorporates 19 transport companies throughout the world. Being an individual member of FIATA and Multiport Association it constantly grows and broadens horizons for the companies of the group.

Shartnoma talab qiling

Transport geografiyasi

Afsuski, tashuvchi yuk tashish geografiyasini ko'rsatmagan


Sertifikatlar hali to'ldirilmagan
Hozircha sharhlar yo‘q
Koʻrishlar: 1654 (+2 bugun)
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