What do the terms ETA, ETD, ATD and ATA mean in logistics?

What do the terms ETA, ETD, ATD and ATA mean in logistics?

In the world of logistics, time is of the essence. Understanding key terms such as ETA, ETD, ATD and ATA can be a critical factor in successfully delivering cargo and optimizing logistics operations. In this article, we will understand what is behind these abbreviations, their meaning and role in international cargo transportation.

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Logistics trends in 2023: new challenges and opportunities

Logistics trends in 2023: new challenges and opportunities

In 2023, logistics companies will continue actively implementing digital technologies to optimize their processes and enhance business efficiency. In this context, several key trends can be identified.

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What is logistics and how does it affect business?

What is logistics and how does it affect business?

Logistics is a set of actions aimed at optimizing the management of goods and information flows at all stages of their movement from the manufacturer to the end consumer. The main goal of logistics is to reduce costs, increase operational efficiency of businesses, and improve customer service levels.

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Foreign Trade

Foreign economic activity is an essential component of the global economy, enabling countries to establish external economic relations and participate in international trade.

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